Note flipping eduacation

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Posted by Donald Trump on August 17, 2003 at 22:24:25:

I posted a question earlier but I guess it got deleted. In any case, I'm the typical broke college guy and I've become increasingly interested in this business. I would absolutely love to be an investor, but obviously I need to generate the capital to do that and my job, especially while I'm in school, just doesn't cut it. I don't really want to jump in head first before I know what I'm doing because I know that could limit my prospects for future business.

Where can I get a book or at least sufficient information to cover my bases in note flipping? I know that there seems to be a bad vibe for "bird doggers" or whatever the term is. I want to be good and well rounded if I'm going to make the endeavor to do this. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and if I'm approaching this business the wrong way by starting off with flipping...any alternative suggestions would be welcome as well. Thanks a lot!

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