Who is John D. Behle?

Don't let the pictures fool you.  Most of the pictures of John on the internet are over 20 years old.  He's been around notes for over 30 years.

Born in 1957, John Behle has been a real estate investor since 1976 and an investor in discounted paper since 1977.  Previous to real estate, John worked at a gas station.  He started with some real estate and paper investment and then became an agent in 1978 and a real estate broker in 1981.  His primary interest was not in brokerage, but in investment.  He bought just a few properties his first couple years, but in 1979 and 1980 plunged into investing.  First buying over a million in properties in just a few months then building a buyer's brokerage where he and some partners bought a million a month in properties. 

John became a good property manager, but didn't enjoy it much.  He had learned to use paper and notes in buying properties, but saw little potential in investing in notes.  When  John sold off some properties with seller financing he started changing his mind.  The attraction of the monthly cash flow from the notes without the hassle of property management was a refreshing change.  Around the same time, John attended a seminar on note investment from John Berven and read a book by Carlos Royal and Max Hollis.  Suddenly notes clearly were a more attractive investment.

John became somewhat of a seminar junkie.  If there was a seminar or course in the early 80's, John was there.  Exchange meetings and the quality education available there were particularly helpful.  John was instrumental in both the concept of creating REI groups and in starting the first group in Utah.  He enjoyed teaching the things he learned and his successes at the monthly meetings.  Through his experience and education, John was listed in "Who's Who in Creative Real Estate" (no longer printed).  Active in local and national exchange groups, he received his EMS designation (Equity Marketing Specialist) and his NCE "Gold Card".  John is just a couple courses short of his CCIM designation and has done a great deal of commercial real estate along with his note and real estate investment.

When John began investing in notes, it was for the purpose of owning them and not brokering them.  At that time, there were no National sources of note buyers and it was purely a local business.  John found ways to work with private investors and how to buy note with as much as 100% financing and more.  He worked very successfully with investors until he didn't need them anymore.  John specializes in a full spectrum of buying notes and real estate in a very synergistic way and has bought many millions in property and notes.  Though John began investing in real estate right out of high school, he finished a degree in finance in his spare time with one of the highest grade point averages in the school.

John loved teaching others about the creative ideas he learned or created.  Each problem he ran into in a deal seemed to create a new profitable technique to get around it.  As he shared ideas with others, people began to ask him when he would be teaching a seminar.  He had so many requests for a seminar that he held his first in 1982.  One comment from a student was "I've been to hundreds of seminars and I have never seen one where they vote to shorten the lunch hour to get back sooner".  Next people requested a book and in 1982 the seminar manual evolved into "The Paper Game" book.  Since that time, John has written 7 other books, several hundred articles for magazines.  The Paper Game book has been very popular.  It has been used in several colleges and in court cases as an expert witness.  It has been so popular that at least three others have tried to ride the coat tails of the good reputation by stealing the name.

In 1991 John taped a very successful 5 day seminar.  Many gladly paid several thousand for the video course, but John wanted a price more could afford so he lowered it to $500 to be more affordable for more people.  People have said they receive many, many times the value from that course as for those they have paid many thousands for.  The best feedback might be the unsolicited letters and comments from students.