Seasoned Vs Unseasoned

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Posted by Michael Morrongiello on November 30, 2001 at 00:37:18:

In Reply to: Note pricing guidelines? posted by Jess on November 29, 2001 at 14:27:31:

In my mind payment history or seasoning comes in handy when I am dealing with a Note where the Note payor may have marginal or sub standard credit and credit scores.... With (2) two identical Notes, same payors, same credit, property, etc. I typically would NOT pay anymore for a Note simply because it had more payment seasoning attributed to it...

However, If I was looking at a Note where the payors credit was suspect and it DID have a history of relatively timely payments, then at least I would consider this type of Note as opposed to simply passing on it.

Just my .02

To your success,
Michael Morrongiello

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