Materials are still available - internet download also!

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Posted by John Behle on June 30, 2020 at 18:23:25:

My materials are still available. Please contact Carol directly at: carolkostic @ yahoo .com (sorry, had to type it that way)

She can ship DVD's and books from Florida.

We no longer sell courses through any other groups or on eBay. Anyone claiming to have them other than myself or Carol is a fraud unless it is just their used copy - which people rarely sell.

NO ONE has ever been authorized to sell the course or video files visually and one that is right now is being pursued legally. The one I have seen pretending he can sell them has a very bad copy of the videos split into tiny files and hosted in another country from a site I am getting shut down.

But, I realized it is long overdue to make them available that way, so the files have been digitized and the books scanned. We are now ready to sell them that way. Go through Carol for the request and payment.

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