HP 19 BII or Pocket PC

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Posted by RS on January 27, 2004 at 23:10:02:


I just recently picked up the paper game and I am looking for device to do my TVM and cashflow calculations.

I am leaning toward picking up a pocket pc as the cost of a new HP 19 BII is over $129 (when you can find them). Most used ones are going for around $80. I didn't act fast enough when a used one was on eBay for ~$55 buy it now.

Anyway, I am aware of the HP handhelds, but there is a dearth of software--at least newer stuff--for them and I wanted something to grow with me.

Has any tried relying solely on their PDA for their calculations?

Any down side?

Like to hear some opinions pro or con to using PDA vs 19BII.


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