Re: Would you recommend America's Note Network?

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Posted by John Kruczek on October 25, 2003 at 14:05:30:

In Reply to: Re: Would you recommend America's Note Network? posted by Rich[FL] on September 17, 2003 at 19:23:24:

Hello you,

I don't know if I should try and cancel my MasterCard charges or not after reading what people have said here.

I just spent $1800 on a web site and company e-mail address from Guaranteed Traffic, plus $430 on course materials and a newsletter disk from ANN.

About $2300! That's the first time I've totaled it.
I don't plan on spending any more on ANN stuff. Only need to print/mail out the newsletters.

I'm a computer programmer whose afraid of being outsourced and that's why I'm doing this. Thank you Bush and Congress!

I knew nothing about notes before seeing the 30min commercial for ANN and receiving the course materials.

But, I have read the material and feel it is good and that now it is up to me to make it work.

I agree with the guy who said ANN's coaches only seem to be interested in you if they can sell you something. They have not been very friendly to me when I've called. I have spoken to 3 of them so far. I'm hoping I find one who is nice. If I do, I will stick with him/her.

Anyway, I wish everyone gook luck in their quest for a better income.

I'm glad this site exists and will keep it as a favorite.

I will let everyone here know how things go between me and ANN.

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