Re: In search of mortgage notes for sale listing online

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Posted by Rich[FL] on October 21, 2003 at 13:15:33:

In Reply to: In search of mortgage notes for sale listing online posted by Alex Melvin on October 20, 2003 at 16:25:48:

Why go for the "obvious" sources of notes? Don't you think that these easy-to-get-at ads would be bombarded by people trying to buy them? Or, think about this...what about the people who have notes and would like the cash that comes from selling them, but they don't realized they CAN sell the note? How are you going to get to those people? Think there may be more of those kind then the for sale ads you see?

Try searching the courthouse records for recorded mortgages; start from 2-3 years ago and work forward. Find a way to market yourself to professionals in your community who may know of people with notes who may want to sell - CPAs, RE agents, lawyers, etc. All you'd need is a half a dozen of those folks sending you a lead every 2-3 months and you'd be doing pretty well.

Good luck!


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